Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sustainable Container Homes

Reusing waste material to build more sustainable homes, this is the way to go according to architect, Benjamin Garcia Saxe. Using discarded metal containers may strike as a foreign concept but this is a way of saving many say.

It is also a true way of modern day homes that can be affordable to all, energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.  “Reusing of redundant and environmentally hazardous waste materials provides a plan of action that could reduce need for extraction and processing of new materials. As landfill waste continues to increase, most of which comprise of construction and demolition debris, reusing materials already in sight can vitally prevent landfill growth for a greener tomorrow.”  

This project “The containers of Hope” was conceptualized by the architect himself and self-built by his clients. The house consists of 2 x 12m long metal shipping containers, plasterboard partitions and glass aluminum doors and windows.

These are some of the pictures explaining the 'Containers of Hope' as they rise one-by-one up in the air to create hope for those in need.

I believe that with the necessary research this can be a possibility for us as well. It is already proven that it not only works but pleases as well.

For more container designs, have a look at the following video clip.

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Also see: "10 Brilliant Sustainable Shipping Container Homes"

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