Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Walkie Talkie Building

From the start a real amazing looking building but what no one knew is when the sun would rise on the day of completion, what would really be the biggest challenge of all?

If I look at a building like this I would think wind loads might be a challenge, even glazing as a whole! Now we come across a building acting as a sundial. So when does too much sun become a problem..?
“The developers of the “Walkie Talkie” tower in the City today said had been aware of the risk of the curved glass building acting as “a giant magnifying glass” - but had concluded there would not be a problem.”

Now it is completed and 2 hours during the day acts as a danger not just to human but to cars and all other surrounding elements.

When analyzing such an amazing looking structure there are so many components to take in consideration that it is almost unnatural to say that something so small could have such a huge effect. 

During Summer we are all aware of the sun, its UV rays and that we should wear SPF + sunscreens but what happens when the sunlight that gives us vitamin D3 gets reflected onto a mirror glazed area and creates a magnifying area that cannot be used.

Read more about The Walkie Scorchie Building or Fryscraper as it is called now by the public and media.

Want to know what the outcome was and what the developers came up with to fix a problem no one expected... "Walkie Talkie developers build screen to stop 'death ray" -

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