Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Building Material - Soundlite

Acoustic barriers
“Living next to a noisy neighbor could influence your comfort level, it could literally make life unbearable but what do we do?”
This was a question posted to me by email from an architect Rey, and the answer is … !

I have taken some time to ask architectural professionals for their advice and even did some research myself. The product market has such a big variety to choose from but what has been used and did it work?

A good product I came across is ‘Soundlite’
This is in the same range as the ‘Aerolite’ I discussed previously as a thermal barrier in roofs.
Surprisingly enough this product is:
  • ·         Light weight
  • ·         Good acoustic properties
  • ·         Safe material to use
  • ·         Good thermal resistance

…and the list goes on…
This is also a non-combustible base board and therefore it is a “Fire happy Product
It is used in all applications such as commercial, domestic and industrial.
For those interested in specifying the product:

Install (25/40)mm thick "Soundlite" acoustic suspended ceiling tiles in (Coral/Ripple) vinyl facing complete with T sections, hangers, hold down clips etc. Installation strictly in accordance with manufacturer's detail & specification.

For more information see:

This is the product when installed, acting as a thermal as well as acoustic barrier within a building.


  1. Hey!! Thanks for the post. I was also looking for the construction of acoustic barrier

  2. I've heard this before and want to check out. Currently waiting for a call from a construction material supplier.

  3. This is something that I want to know regarding house materials. Thanks for this.

  4. informative article thank you for sharing about house materials

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  6. nice post! I'm looking forward for another post about house construction materials
