Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Building method - Eco-beam Construction

Eco-beam construction
This is a method of building considered in our metro. Although this is new to some of us others recon this is the way to go. Like the slogan says: “Save a rand and build with sand”. This is also seen as an Eco friendly building method and is affordable to most.

The advantages seems endless..

·         Easy & light to install
·         It’s a recognized pattern
·         It is environmentally friendly & uses a renewable resource
·         Needs minimal facilities on location
·         Even cuts back on 66%  timber compared to the normal timber frame construction
This is to some a win-win situation… One of my famous sayings... “Seeing is believing” …and I am patiently waiting to see one of these structures go up in our metro.

Follow this link to see more info regarding this building method

What do you think, share your thoughts and let me know if you are just as excited as me?!

Sandbags fitted in between horizontal & vertical Eco-beams.

Mentors in training - here busy closing the sandbag before leveling it between the Eco-beam supports.

This is the end result. A work of art, all built from sandbags.

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